2024 Wine Country Tour de Fox - Volunteer Form

At the heart of The Michael J. Fox Foundation's (MJFF) events are the amazing volunteers whose commitment and passion change the experience of our local events. Our volunteers are dynamic individuals who offer their time, talents and most importantly their energy to support our mission of finding a Parkinson's cure. 

Please submit this volunteer form if you are interested in volunteering at our Tour de Fox Wine Country Ride on Saturday, September 21 at Francis Ford Coppola Winery in Geyserville, CA. A member of our staff, we reach out to confirm that we received your form and notify you if you have been selected to volunteer. 

Volunteers should be prepared to work from 6:30am until early afternoon, and will be invited to take part in our post-ride festival afterwards. Exact volunteer time shifts will vary by role. Assigned volunteer roles and important event information will be communicated in advance so keep an eye out for our emails as we approach the event. 

Have any questions? Reach out to us at tourdefox@michaeljfox.org 

Thank you!


Volunteer Roles

Aid Station Lead

*A pickup truck or large SUV capable of carrying water jugs, a tent, tables, chairs, and supplies is required. 

You'll be responsible for picking up equipment and supplies and directing volunteers. You will need to pick up supplies and equipment the Friday before the ride at Francis Ford Coppola Winery to transport to your designated aid station Saturday morning. 

Aid Station Volunteer
You'll provide riders with hydration products and limited nutrition. Your aid station lead will provide direction for setting up, hosting, and tearing down.  

Parking and Directional Volunteer
You'll help direct participants as they arrive for their ride. As participants finish their ride, you will help guide them to the festival site.  

Tour de Fox Volunteer Waiver

I am solely responsible for my own health and safety. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and able to participate as a volunteer in this event. I certify that I meet all age and volunteer requirements and have no other requirements that prevent me from fulfilling the given job requirements. 

I agree, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, to not sue and to release, indemnify, and hold harmless, The Michael J. Fox Foundation ; its affiliates, officers, directors, volunteers, and employees; and all sponsoring businesses and organizations, their agents, and employees; from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of my participation in this event and related activities, whether it results from the negligence of any of the above or from any other cause.  

I authorize The Michael J. Fox Foundation to take and use photographs and/or videos of me during the event, for publicity, promotion, and/or for use in The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s future media related needs.